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Child Protection Policy


1.               Aims

1.1          ‘Dance Inspirations aims to comply with the requirements provided in the Human Rights Act 1998, Children Act 1989, the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Protection of Children Act 1999, the Criminal Justice & Court Services Act 2000 and the Children’s Bill 2004

1.2       ‘Dance Inspirations’ aims to comply with Home office recommendations and ‘Safe from Harm’ guidelines which give all voluntary groups a framework for action to promote children’s welfare and to prevent abuse, and guidelines set out by the National Society for the prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC).Any reference to ‘your dance company’ includes, clubs productions, events and professional services. Reference to the group includes all other affiliated clubs and subsidiaries.


2.               Definitions

‘Dance Inspirations’ recognises a distinction between four different kinds of abuse.

2.1         Physical Abuse: where children’s bodies are hurt or injured.

2.2    Emotional Abuse: where children do not receive courtesy and respect may be frightened by threats or taunts, or are given responsibilities beyond their years.

2.3       Sexual Abuse: where adults (and sometimes other children) use children to satisfy their sexual desires.

2.4       Neglect: where adults persistently fail to care for children and protect them from danger, seriously impairing health and development.


3.         General Principles

3.1            ‘Dance Inspirations’ recognises that it is a privilege to work with children and young people; and that it is also a great responsibility.  Parents trust us to look after their children, give leadership, and keep them safe.  We need to ensure that we honour their trust.

3.2            ‘Dance Inspirations’ aims to take reasonable steps to ensure that children/young people are not exposed to a reasonably foreseeable risk of injury, whether to their physical or mental health.  ‘Dance Inspirations’ is committed to the protection from harm and leaders and workers respond appropriately should abuse be discovered or disclosed and any reported incidents of abuse are fully recorded.

3.3            ‘Dance Inspirations’ aims to give guidance on avoiding situations where a worker’s/leader’s actions may be misunderstood (this last point is concerned with protecting both children and workers from false allegations).

3.4            ‘Dance Inspirations’ is committed to having suitable and adequate supervision of children/young people at all times while children/young people are attending ‘Dance Inspirations’ activities.


4.         Policy Statement 

‘Dance Inspirations’ is committed to creating an environment that enables children and young adults to learn and develop in a safe, understanding and encouraging environment.

‘Dance Inspirations’ recognises that it is a privilege to work with children and young people; and that it is also a great responsibility.  Parents/Guardians trust ‘Dance Inspirations’ to look after their children, and to care for them, give them leadership, and keep them safe.  ‘Dance Inspirations’ needs to ensure that we honour their trust.

‘Dance Inspirations’ will take reasonable steps to ensure that children and young people are not exposed to a reasonably foreseeable risk of injury, whether to their physical or mental health.  ‘Dance Inspirations’ is committed to the protection from harm and safekeeping of all children and young people who attend its activities ensuring that staff, assistants and volunteers respond appropriately should abuse be discovered or disclosed and any reported incidents of abuse are fully recorded.

‘Dance Inspirations’ will endeavour to safeguard children and young people by, recognising it’s ‘Duty of Care’, by adopting child protection guidelines through.

  • A code of conduct for staff, assistants and volunteers
  • Establishing clear procedures for complaints and concerns.
  • Disseminating information to children and young people, parents/guardians, carers, staff, assistants and volunteers about child protection and good practise with children and young people.
  • Developing links and sharing information about concerns, with agencies, who need to know, and involving parents/guardians, children and young people appropriately.
  • Ensuring that procedures for recruitment and selection of staff, assistants and volunteers are rigorous, clear, fair and uniformly applied
  • Providing effective management for staff and assistants and volunteers through supervision, support and training.

 This policy will work in tandem with ‘Dance Inspirations’ Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities, Data protection and Disability Policies as well as ‘Dance Inspirations’

Criminal Records Bureau policy Statement.

  1. Implementation

5.1            Designated officer

The regional Licensees are designated as the Child Protection Officers; they will take responsibility for handling disclosure of suspicions of abuse as well as co-ordination referrals and investigations.

5.2            Access to Policy

                The policy is distributed to all Licensees whom distribute to all clubs and branches in their region.

5.3            Guidelines

‘Dance Inspirations’ publishes guidelines on how to implement this policy. Procedures for recruitment and selection of workers and leaders will be rigorous, clear, fair and uniformly applied.  Effective management for workers and leaders will be given through supervision, support and training. 

5.4            Assessment and Monitoring of policy

‘Dance Inspirations’ will continually monitor the implementation of this policy, it’s practises and procedures, and review the policy on an annual basis.  The dance clubs undertakes to make, and retain a full and detailed record of any reported incident or suspicion of abuse.




_______Miranda Burton______________________            ____05/09/17_____

Approved by ‘Dance Inspirations Directors                              Date





‘Dance Inspirations’ seeks to promote knowledge, understanding and practise of dance, by promoting dance, educating and training students and teachers, and providing them with the opportunity to take Dance Association examinations to reward achievement.